Mountain socks inspired by the ancient traditions of those who knew how to work wool and knew how to protect themselves from the cold!
If you are looking for mountaineering socks and you are thinking about the old wool socks handmade in the traditional way, you will probably have a hard time finding that type of product on the net market.
However, inspired by traditional wool socks, we have created a line of natural and environmentally friendly products that combine the millennial experience of using wool with the most modern techniques. In this way we arrive to manifacture an effective and performing accessory.
For our mountain socks we try to reduce the elastomer to the maximum to allow the best comfort of the foot and allow good circulation avoiding unnecessary cooling.
All internal sponging is made only with wool without the use of polyamide or polyester like almost all socks on the market.
It is thanks to these reinforcements that we ensure maximum thermal comfort and maximum foot protection, here you can read how protect your feets against the cold!
Confused? Here you can find some advise to choose your socks